YAY all the ends are sewn in and I am ready to join WOO HOOOOO The row on the right hand side are left overs, I will have 13 x 13 squares and I have 9 left over just in case I need to swap a few around :) When I started making the granny squares I didn't have a number in my head that I wanted to make, I just kept making them.... the pile on the side of the couch (sofa/settee) was getting bigger and bigger and then I got to that point of **If I make another granny square I think I may just go crazy** That is when I knew it was time to stop :) I really enjoyed making all the square's, it was not for a video so there was no RUSH to get it finished, the colors were so much fun to put together and I tried to use colors that i would normally put together I will be using this blanket as color inspiration when I get stuck, so many different combinations My rules when I was making the squares - hmm rules sounds to strict, more like guidelines 1) I could not put a dark color next to another dark color 2) No white and cream in the same square 3) Try not to make any 2 squares the same I did the square in stages - I would make a stack of centers, about 20 or until I sick of making them heehee then I would do all the second rounds, then all the third rounds .... and the I would repeat the process :) I averaged about 40 squares every 2 days - Looking after mum was a full time thing, being the taxi to and from appointments, cooking and helping around the house.... there were also many hours of just sitting with mum and chatting, I cant sit and chat and do nothing so the granny squares were a great way to pass the time To be continued ........
11/7/2014 09:21:31 am
Love the vibrant colours. Will look fabulous when finished. Excellent.
11/7/2014 10:11:42 am
I can't wait to see the end result :)
Jenneke Hersbach
11/7/2014 10:53:59 am
I really like the different colour combinations! I'm really looking forward to the end result!! ;)
11/7/2014 11:58:13 am
This is truly an act of love Clare !! And oh so pretty , thank you for sharing this journey with us.
11/7/2014 12:25:41 pm
Love it. Im also working on granny squares. And have the same guide lines minus the same squares. I have made a few duplicates due to only haveing four colors with me on vacation.
Beautiful. Love colourful granny squares. When I make something like this, I like to avoid white/cream or black. I find they are too much of a contrast to the other colours so would prefer to keep white and black for borders and joining. But I have learned (finally) that all colours go together!
12/7/2014 06:25:54 am
I just don't have the patience to make these, nor do I have the colors arrangement that u have.
Carl Foley
13/7/2014 02:18:12 am
I love what you are doing, yes, even guys watch your videos.
Lori Earl
19/7/2014 02:40:12 pm
Thanks for sharing such beautiful work. Blessings to you and your Mom.
deborah gallo
21/7/2014 10:02:07 pm
i love your blanket I mostly love what I stands for!!!!!!! love loyalty and mmom and daughter togetherness. love you Debbie in new york
29/9/2014 02:50:00 am
Hi ! I'm enjoying your you tube videos. I am a beginner and my first attempt at making a little bag was very impressive . I would like to share my work with you via face book . What is your fb name. Saw one but was not sure . Thank you .
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from myhobbyiscrochet.com has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025