Over the week end hubby had a day off work and we both needed to get out of the house and away from the stress of working hard. Clearing your mind when you have a high demanding job can do wonders ! Neither of us find our jobs "stressful" but you know what its like when you just need some "me" time
So we jumped in the car and drove about 20 minutes south to look for a cafe for breakfast, even though it was 10 am so it was closer to brunch hahaa. We have a few favorite cafe near us so we always know that we are going to get good service and great food. I am a sucker for a good chocolate and hubby loves his Mochahccino . Personally i can not have coffee because of the caffeine, make me all shaky, but if I did I would be sure to have some chocolate in it We had a lovely breakfast and enjoyed the warmth of the cafe (its winter here ) then we drove down to the lake. Being winter and a partially fresh day, there wasn't too many people around, perfect ! I found a big rock at the lakes edge and sat and soak up the warmth of the sun, the only thing that could of made it more perfect is if I had brought my crochet. I try not to take my crochet out because I have to give me hands a rest at some point. Even though me head is saying "WHAT are you doing you silly women, you might find a few minutes to fit in some crochet !"Not that it worries me in the slightest, but i also get the look from hubby that says, can you not put that crochet down for 5 minutes hahahhahaaaa no, no I cant ! I am a true addict, crochet and yarn all the way ! Comments are closed.
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from myhobbyiscrochet.com has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025