WOW what a year ! Each year I gain so much more than just crochet patterns. New friends and new crochet skills to share with you via my tutorials
Thank you so much for allowing me to be part of the crochet adventure, I am so excited to see where the path will lead in 2017. I already have so many patterns in my head, some are written down and some are not. You continue to inspire me and so many people by sharing your wonderful creations via Facebook and Instagram My Youtube channel also hit 300,000 subscribers in November ....wait, WHAT ? 300, 000 ? O...M...G...... that is insane and so amazingly awesome !! **happy dance** Here are a few more awesome statistics 30 crochet tutorials with written patterns 6 Vlogs 5 giveaways with over 30 prizes 14 million+ views 56,000+ new subscribers 205 Instagram posts I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! Thank you for joining my crochet journey and can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for us :) Happy crochet Clare xx Comments are closed.
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025