Hi and welcome to another blog post. I am going to get right straight to the point
With out financial support I can not share video tutorials and free written patterns. Bobwilson123 is my full time business and many many hours go into keeping it running. I work 7 days a week (but dont worry, I still make time for myself) Most days are 10 hours days and I do half days on the weekend. I love my job so most of the time it doesnt feel like work :) I don't have a regular job, bobwilson123 keeps me busy enough haha I make small amounts of money from advertisements on my website **if you purchase products via my links or advertisements I get a small commission** this includes Knit Picks, Craftsy and and Amazon To help with cost that go into keeping bobwilson123 going I have signed up to Patreon From as little as $1 a month you can help keep bobwilson123 going, with out financial support I will have to start charging for my content and this includes videos and written patterns Patreon is great !! Because for as little as $1 a month thats only 25 cents a week pledge, not only are you helping keeping bobwilson123 going you get bonus content ! Yep, that's right bonus content and automatic entry into giveaways (**conditions apply) behind the scene photos, early access to videos and much more !! The more you can pledge the better your rewards Comments are closed.
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from myhobbyiscrochet.com has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025