Hello ! Many people ask me how they can repay me for all the of the videos and pattern that I have made over the years I never ask for anything in return, all I ask is that you enjoy my content and have fun sharing your love of crochet On this occasion I am asking for something in return if you are able to help :) As many people know my Mum was diagnosed with a aggressive stage 4 brain tumor in May this year and since then has had a huge operation and a 6 week course of radiation, Mum is now on chemo and will be until January 2015 Mum is unable to drive and before this all happened Mum was very active and always out and about As you can imagine Mum is getting really bored at home. Only leaving the house for appointments I want to but her a Tablet or Ipad to help pass the hours by and I am asking for donations to help purchase it If you can donate a dollar or 2 I would be eternally grateful All donations are made through PayPal's secure website Thank you so much for your support and I understand if this is something you are unable to do Clare xx Comments are closed.
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from myhobbyiscrochet.com has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025