4 weeks ago I got a phone call from my dad saying your mum has a fuzzy section that has shown up on a brain scan. A week later mum was having a operation to remove a aggressive stage 4 brain tumor.... as you can imagine my families world got turn up side down. A week later mum was aloud to go from hospital. Being shaky on her feet, mum needed someone to be with her at home, just in case she fell and also to help out around the house Insert her favorite daughter aka ME (My sister always calls herself the fav daughter hee,hee) to help out and for once take care of my mum instead of her looking after us :) How the roles have changed, making lunches, cooking dinner and helping out with house work. Best of all I get to spend lots of time with my beautiful and strong spirited mum (and Dad when he gets home from work) So what does a crochet addicted lady like myself do between her new found role? Crochet up a storm of course ! I rounded up all my Red Heart Super Saver scrap yarn - anything that was less than half a skein to be continued ...........................
marie poole
12/6/2014 05:41:56 am
hope your Mum is recovering okay and your pile is so big xx
N. Ruiz
12/6/2014 05:51:28 am
I hope your mom is recovering quickly. I think that blanket can tuck nicely with all your love. Like a prayer blanket instead of prayer shawl
tina smith
12/6/2014 06:08:51 am
Hope ur mum recovers quickly the blanket can become ur family security blanket because it is being made with so much love xx
Mari Sides
12/6/2014 08:35:04 am
I'm continuing to pray for you and your family.
Aunty kathy and the rest of family
12/6/2014 09:47:46 am
Please keep us in the updates wish we could be there with you
12/6/2014 11:04:16 am
Sending get well wishes to your mum x
Mary Todd
12/6/2014 11:15:53 am
God love you and your family. While caring for you Mom, be sure to take care of yourself as well.
12/6/2014 01:06:42 pm
Thank you for this Claire. Your heartfelt emotions are being poured out into this granny square project. I am continuing to pray for you and your family. May you all be wrapped tight with God's peace, comfort, and strength.
12/6/2014 02:15:09 pm
Sending lots of healthy vibes to your mum for a quick and full recovery. In years to come you can both look at the blanket and recall the time of courage and strength during which it was made … it would look cute with embellishments of crocheted flowers, hearts, animals etc :) … Stay strong and keep smiling xo
12/6/2014 03:33:48 pm
Prayers for your family.
12/6/2014 06:09:51 pm
Sending prayers for you and your mom and family. I pray all is getting better
12/6/2014 07:30:26 pm
My love and prayers to mum, you and your entire family. I understand the role reversal having gone through it myself. The squares are beautiful and a great idea. XX
Michelle Denise
12/6/2014 08:01:22 pm
My prayers are with you and your family. I too am making a Granny Square blanket. During the last week of February I received a call that my daughter was sick at school. Blood tests performed at the Emergency resulted in her being diagnoised with Aplastic Anemia. Her bone marrow was not making any of the three blood cells required thus requiring hospitalization. In order to keep it together and do healing on all levels, I started a healing blanket for her. While crocheting I recite a healing mantra. We must go to Clinic twice a week. As long as we are on this journey, I will continue to add rounds to her healing blanket. I will share a photo once the journey is complete. I can't wait to see your blanket as well:)
Anne Cowan
12/6/2014 08:27:17 pm
I can SO relate, Claire . . . been through this VERY SAME thing with my own Mother. CHERISH all the time you spend with her, write down EVERYTHING she says that is hilarious or witty, take TONS of pictures and videos and make lots of precious memories during this time. You will be glad you did, in the future - and will regret not doing this, if you don't. MUCH love and prayers for you and your Mum, and all your family. Hoping all is well and that the love and peace of Jesus fills your heart no matter how this all turns out ~ <3
12/6/2014 09:30:33 pm
I love you Claire I will pray for you and your family everyday until resolution. love Debbie in ny
Mary Isenman
12/6/2014 09:57:21 pm
Prayers to you and your mom from San Diego CA! Can not wait to see your finished work.
pat moffitt
13/6/2014 12:57:33 am
Hugs & kisses hope your mum well soon love your web site xxxx
13/6/2014 02:17:37 am
Hi Clare, I enjoy your channel very much and all you do! I'll be keeping your mom in my prayers!
Ann Rosine
13/6/2014 09:22:36 am
Hi Clare! Sorry to hear about your mom. I'm here in the states (the state of Illinois) and I follow you a lot. I surf the internet to look for new and different patterns for items that I make for charity, such as the Project Linus Central Illinois Project. Over the years this group has given children/teens blankets (crocheted, knitted, sewn/quilted) that they receive from crafter donations. This is where I came across a little internet buddy that you might enjoy following. Her name is Janet Pruneau ( Praying For Little Janet website). She is a 4 year old dynamo who is currently in 1 year remission from a brain tumor. She lives near St. Louis, Missouri in the United States. She is treated at Cardinal Glen Hospital in St. Louis. She has quite a following on her facebook page and has a great attitude. Wise beyond her years. She has met and "lost" several other brave soldiers this last year. I have made several chemo hats and special gifts for her, since I picked up an internet call for people who could crochet/knit caps for her chemo journey. She is quite the local celebrity and rock star. Tell your mom to check her out. Will be great for her spirits. Hang in there. I live with my own mom who just turned 89. A kidney cancer patient survivor of 4 years. Also a heart problem patient who we are currently experiencing some of the same concerns that put her in the hospital 4 years ago. We were thankful that she was admitted for respiratory/heart concerns back then, because this was when we found out she had a 5 cm tumor on her left kidney, that we knew nothing about. She had no symptoms. The tumor showed up on x-rays she had for her heart concerns. She had the left kidney removed. In and out of the hospital in 2 days. Did great on recovery. You never know. We were lucky 4 years ago with the kidney/heart problems. Hope we have the same luck with her new fluid retention problems and heart affibulation concerns. God Bless! It's great to find your free patterns that I can use to create stuff to give away to someone "who will actually wear/use the stuff". My family hates to see the holidays come around because they know they will certainly get at least one handmade gift you won't find at "Walmart". Good night Clare. 1:15 AM here. Can you tell I just got my computer back from the shop because I picked up one of those virus crap things that was holding my computer hostage and wanted me to put $300 on a green debit card to get my computer released. A guy a street over from my house, fixed it for $40. He does this type of work in the evenings just for fun. My God! I have been without a personal computer for a month! I had to keep going to the local library every 2-3 days to use one of their computers for public use. You can only use one of their computers for 1 hour a day. My email and facebook posts were terrible. It took me just the hour to read and dump, forget trying to surf the net for patterns and etc. Love Ya !
San Lo
13/6/2014 10:39:19 am
Best Wishes to your mother, hope she'll recover soon.
Joann Smith
15/6/2014 06:22:41 am
Sending prayers & healing thoughts for your mom. I'm sure you're not thinking straight you wrote aloud when you meant allowed.
15/6/2014 09:53:08 pm
Keeping you and your family in my prayers.
16/6/2014 06:23:06 pm
Love the colors in your blanket. Sorry to hear of your Mom's health problems ,but sending lots of prayers and also my best wishes for her recovery. I'm sure having you there means alot to her right now, and I'm sure you'll both treasure this time together. All my warm wishes to you and your family. I have always enjoyed your tutorials,learned alot and will look forward to them again in the future. In the meantime, enjoy and treasure the time with your family!
27/6/2014 02:29:04 am
Dear Clare... I just read this post!! I am so sad and so sorry!! :'(
30/6/2014 12:58:06 am
Hi Clare! I just wanted to say that I love all of your work and tutorials. I had only ever crocheted a few baby blankets with a regular dc before I found you. A friend needed an owl hat for a diaper cake topper and I started searching youtube. I found your owl beanie tutorial and ended up making her the hat, the tutu bottom, and the diaper cake...lol I have since started making all sorts of crocheted items for others as well. Thank you so much for making it so easy to learn. My 85 year old mother also has a brain tumor and I sit and do for her a lot. I do loads of crocheting while I am there as well. Her tumor is a slow growing non-life threatening one, so they say. Your mom will be in my prayers. Thanks again for all you do! :)
ruby gray
12/7/2014 04:57:13 am
hope things are getting a little easier around for you family... and that you mum is better soon... your all in my thoughts...
Connie Alman
12/7/2014 04:58:02 am
Prayers to you and your family. Busy hands help with stress.
12/7/2014 05:17:16 am
Love and Hugs to you and your Strong Mother. ♡♡♡ Rest, love, and laughter are better than any treatment a machine can give.
Zee (zeldanrj3)
12/7/2014 07:03:04 am
Having your mom go home means she is healing well, yes? I hope she has a FULL n Speedy recovery :)
12/7/2014 07:50:34 am
Hi Clare so sorry to here about you mum I really started watch your videos again this week me and my partner Graeme are going thought the same boat last month a doctor found a mass in Graeme gut area so we have gone to so many test looks like cancer just waiting on test results if it is we start chemo in two weeks so with all the hospital visits I to have been crocheting up a storm. Good luck with your mum
Chantal O'Leary
12/7/2014 08:49:45 am
You & your Mum are in my Prayers!
12/7/2014 01:35:49 pm
My thoughts and prayers are with you, as I know what you are going through. It's now 23 years since we lost my dad to a brain tumor, and it all happened so quick. He'd been feeling a bit down for a month (very unlike him) so went to the doctors and was diagnosed with Depression. 5 weeks later we were at his funeral, and nobody can understand how or why it happened so quick and nothing could be done. At least today they can find it early and the treatments are so much better, fingers crossed that things get better for all your family, especially your Mum.
12/7/2014 03:58:08 pm
My prayers continue to be with your mom, be there for as long as needed and more.Hope and faith is what makes this world go around.Your videos are my crochet teacher.
Jenny Zermatten
16/7/2014 03:20:24 am
I do wish your dear Mother a quick and complete recovery !! I shall pray for her. Be positive !
Pamela McIntosh
28/1/2015 07:00:00 pm
Hi Bobbie, When I saw your videos, I have to say I love your calming voice and you teaching ability. I came across a video showing Black framed Granny squares. I had to stop and thats when i saw your name on the bottom of the video. I LOVE GRANNY SQ. I have them all over my living room. THEY SPEAK TO ME. So off I went to see your videos on your Granny Sq adventure. I am Deeply sorry to read about your MOMMY. My Precious Mommy went to see God 12 yrs now. WOW! I cant believe that its been that long :(. HUGS to you! Mommy's are very special indeed!
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from myhobbyiscrochet.com has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025