Welcome to my new website !! I am so excited to finally have a website with organisation and easy to find patterns and videos
Patterns and tutorials will be updated weekly. Hope you enjoy your stay Clare xx
Debbie Reeves
15/4/2013 01:38:41 am
Hi Clare! Congrats on your lovely website! I enjoy watching your UT tuts and have made many of your projects with success. I do have a question for you. I live in the U.S. (Pacific Northwest in Wshington state), and I have friend who has cancer. I would love to make her some pretty Chemo-type hats. Since we are in spring time, with summer coming soon, I would like to make her some light weight caps in pretty colors. I have found some on headhuggers.org, but I'm a visual person, and love the way you teach. Can you make some tuts for light-weight chemo cap with pretty edging, flapper style and sunhats? Please check the headhuggers out, they have some really cute ones! Also, because my friend is totally bald now, she won't wear any hats that have large gaps where you can see her head. I know she would be thrilled to have a few vararities to wear, since she hates to wear a wig in public. I hope you can help me asap. Also, do you make easy prayer shawls? I'm not very good at crocheting, so I need easy patterns. :o) One more thing, can you make different styles (easy) of market bags? Thank you, Clare, for your help. I love y
Debbie Reeves
15/4/2013 01:49:00 am
Hi Clare! Congrats on your new website! I watch your tuts on UT all of the time, and have made many of your projects with great success. I have a favor I'd like to ask. I have a friend who has cancer, and I'd love to make her some pretty caps for spring and summer.I live in the U.S. (Pacific Northwest in Washington state). I need to make them light-weight with no large holes since she is bald. I found some cute ones (flapper, sunhat, fancy-edged) on headhuggers.org, but it's hard for me to read directions. Do you think you could make some tuts for beginners for these caps/hats? I would be so happy to make them for my dear friend. Again, they need to be light-weight for warm/hot weather. I would also love to make her a prayer shawl (easy). Something to cover her shoulders. While I'm asking :o) I would love to make some easy market bags, too. I hope you can help me with the chemo hats asap since my friend hates to wear her wig in public. I know some pretty hats would cheer her up and make me feel happy to make them for her. Your crochet friend, Debbie :o)
4/4/2013 09:28:07 pm
5/4/2013 11:33:22 am
Thank you so much ! I have just uploaded it to the Halloween section :)
5/4/2013 05:06:39 pm
woohoo thanks again!! :)
9/4/2013 05:36:29 am
Hi there, me again!
Karen Kelly
5/4/2013 09:32:13 am
Hi Clare, I just want to wish you continued success and to let you know how much I've grown with my crochet since I've been been made aware of your videos. A day doesn't pass when I don't find something I want to crochet because of your tutorials. I enjoy your humor, your personality and your patience. Best of everything I wish for you. Much gratitude from Tennessee :) See all ya'll later...
5/4/2013 01:00:20 pm
Hi Karen
5/4/2013 09:46:36 am
Nice to see it up and running
Congratulations to Clare and all your helpers!
5/4/2013 01:02:22 pm
Hi **waves ** thank you for stopping by and I am so glad that you have found crochet and that I can help you overcome fears :)
7/4/2013 02:20:58 am
Congrats Clare,I wish you great success. I think you are amazing and the greatest teacher, your videos have taught me so much and now I actually enjoy crocheting. Best wishes to you, from Canada.
7/4/2013 07:46:08 am
Thank you Joan, I am so glad that you enjoy my videos
7/4/2013 10:37:38 pm
Hi Claire
Paola Parisi
8/4/2013 12:43:05 am
spieghi benissimo tutti i passaggi e mi complimento con te ma.....ho iniziato a fare un berretto che ho visto nei tuoi tutorial e ora non trovo più il video ??????è stato tolto? non riesco più a finire il berretto
22/4/2013 11:23:37 pm
8/4/2013 12:52:11 am
ho trovato un video tutorial di un cappello beanie ....l'ho iniziato ...ma adesso non trovo più il video ...è stato tolto?? sei bravissima e spieghi molto bene COMPLIMENTI!!!!!
22/4/2013 11:25:34 pm
Translation help
8/4/2013 05:55:14 am
Your videos have helped me find the confidence in myself with crocheting. I decided to start crocheting in January of this year (2013), when our baby girl passed away. I crochet mostly baby hats to raise money for The March of Dimes to help prevent premature birth and infant mortality. Thank you for helping me with my endeavors!
Victoria Monroe
8/4/2013 06:06:21 am
Congratulations Clare! The website looks great. Really enjoy your tutorials. All the best to you from California!
8/4/2013 06:08:07 am
Wonderful site! Well done!
8/4/2013 09:41:10 pm
love the site clare , have bookmarked it ! love the video tutorial of of the shawel thanks mom loves it too
Donna Weiss
8/4/2013 06:12:29 am
I came across your web site back in November and I really truly enjoy looking at all your work and your tutorials.I have been crocheting for many years but I like to look at other peoples creativity it inspires me to be a bit more creative in my crochet.good luck with your new website I will continue to be a fan of yours.
5/5/2013 03:31:43 am
My maiden name is Weiss where are you from?
Araceli M
8/4/2013 06:31:10 am
Wow! This is so great. Congratulations!!!
8/4/2013 06:55:20 am
Well done on this new site, it's very easy to use and to read and understand, just like your videos.
8/4/2013 07:59:11 am
safia akhlaq
8/4/2013 08:45:18 am
congratulations clare, you are a wonderful teacher for beginners.hope you will keep teaching us new patterns.may all your dreams come true...ameen
8/4/2013 09:57:13 am
Scherri S.
8/4/2013 11:02:56 am
Hi Clare,
8/4/2013 04:29:56 pm
Congratulations!!!so excited for you and us! Thank you for your hard work, it's very much appreciated!
Gigi Lee
8/4/2013 05:34:47 pm
I'm so happy you have opened your website. I already subscribe to you, but I like to look at patterns and tips written and lots of pics. May we send you pics of finished projects? May we ask for your opinions? Thanks for all you contribute to the creative world. Good luck!
Anna R Shelton
8/4/2013 11:27:52 pm
CLARE, Thank you sooooooooooooooooo, much. I am 71 3/4 yrs old and really enjoy your tutorials. I have been crocheting for about 40 yrs, and have learned so many new things from you.
Hi Clare!
12/4/2013 03:27:04 pm
Congratulations on your new website! You are one of my mentors in crocheting. I love your youtube channel and I subscribed on your channel.
Longhorn Skier
12/4/2013 09:51:07 pm
I made the beanie for an infant using your tutorial and the flower, and they are so cute, but I am trying to copy a beanie I bought and cannot figure out how to crochet the letter C, around the flower. I have a picture I can send you.
Bobbiesue Cowan
12/4/2013 10:02:41 pm
Hi I want to thank you for teaching me how to crochet especially since I'm middle age I have found something for me
Tanya Parks
13/4/2013 12:32:16 am
Lve the site Clare!
tanya Parks
13/4/2013 08:44:01 am
Finished my hat turned out awesome thank you!!
14/4/2013 07:21:06 pm
Hi there, me again! i had posted this before in a reply but im not sure if you had gotten it, so im trying again! :)
15/4/2013 04:12:19 pm
Hi! Is your e-mail add still [email protected]? I have sent some projects there and just now the granny square bag. You mention in that tutorial that your e-mail add is in the description box but I did not see it. Thanks for your patience and wonderful instruction! I would comment on youtube but my sons account seems to be "stuck" there and can't find mine!
Gail O.
16/4/2013 05:50:32 pm
Clare, congratulations to you! What a great resource for all your fans ;)
17/4/2013 10:16:11 am
Love your patterns, they are easy to follow and your videos clarify any confusion you may have when reading the written pattern, thanks very much, looking forward to many more fun projects :-)
19/4/2013 07:29:27 pm
I learn so much from you. I love watching and following along with your tutorials, your delivery and instructions are very clear and your manner of delivery and the videoing are a pleasure. Keep it up, you are my inspiration .
20/4/2013 07:07:37 pm
clare love your tutroials would love you to a baby jacket.many thanks
21/4/2013 07:23:06 pm
Hi there Clare :)
22/4/2013 08:52:54 pm
I love and appreciate all the time and effort you put into your videos, you are heaven sent.THANKS
22/4/2013 11:02:11 pm
Good for you! I love watching your tutorials! And many blessings to have been able to create a website for all of us to enjoy with you!
tracey smith
28/4/2013 09:06:39 pm
hi i love your tutorials i have learnt to crochet with the help of them thank you so much look forward to more xx
Judi Gums
3/5/2013 12:21:28 pm
Nice website, congrats on getting it up and going. Thanks for all you do to help teach so many. I love watching all your videos.
3/5/2013 04:25:07 pm
first off I want to thank you very much for your YouTube channel it is awesome. I started to learn to crochet about a year ago and I have learned so much from just watching your channel. I think that I probably drive my husband crazy because I have became an addict. as a matter of fact it helps me not smoke so much:-) my hands are too busy. now I just really need to learn how to read crochet patterns they really confuse me. just yesterday I was reading a pattern for a granny square and I just couldn't get it. I went to your YouTube channel and there was it was thank you very much because you really made it simple. :)
3/5/2013 10:45:18 pm
Congrats Clare,
6/5/2013 09:12:45 pm
Clare, I can't tell you how very much I appreciate you and your teaching. I started out on my own less than 2 years ago and thankfully found you on YouTube early in this journey. You have helped me learn and grow and today I find such joy and comfort in crochet. I have made prayer shawls, sun hats and tote bags, and afghans following your teaching.....if only you could know just how special it all is.....Thank You so much for all that you do....I could never afford to take classes but there you are teaching me and and helping me grow.....God Bless You BUNCHES!!!!!!
8/5/2013 09:40:43 am
8/5/2013 06:19:09 pm
You don't know me, but I consider you my friend. We meet every week to see what can I learn. I've laughed with you and cried with you. And now I'm celebrating with you this new accomplishment. (Hands in air) you go girl! Warm blessings from sunny Puerto Rico
16/5/2013 08:06:25 pm
How pretty! And easy to follow! Just like you! Hehe thanks for everything Clare! Keep those fun projects comin' :)
Tenauh Lopez
22/5/2013 07:41:40 am
Hi I am currently making the market bag and love the pattern. My next project I want to make a summer dress but I have not found any videos on youtube or anywhere that I can follow. I really would love to make a dress but I think without the visual aspect I would get lost. I was wondering if you made any adult dresses or where to start. I am a size s/m . I have no clue where to start but I do know what color I want . So if you have any suggestions it would be greatly appreciated :))
22/5/2013 06:01:41 pm
Hi Clare I started crocheting less than a year ago and I just want to tell you that I love the way you take your time when doing a tutorial so us newbees can learn. I quit smoking in October last year and I knew I needed something to keep my hands busy. So decided I wanted to learn how to crochet,(I tried learning how to crochet from a book a few years back with no luck at all.) I started with one of you hat patterns, In the last seven months I have made hats, head warmers, headbands, baby booties, baby blankets, flowers. THANK YOU!! I am always working on something.
23/5/2013 06:56:19 am
i love this website but u more. im learning from scratsch and seem to be a great hat maker . nothing else whyyyyyyyy. so im going back to basics. see what im doing wrong. i hate booties i cant make them if someone was gonna kill me. your tuts are great clear patient and i never get lost. so dont change them . love your accent so cute.
23/5/2013 05:35:22 pm
Congratulations on the website. I love your tutorials. Whenever anyone expresses interest in learning how to crochet, I send them to you. I tell them to go to YouTube and check out bobwilson123 because she is the best.
18/6/2013 11:28:03 am
Hi Clare your video tutorials are fantastic - I could never get my head around crochet until I found you! I started by making the owl beany hat for my grandson and now I'm completely hooked! I use crochet on all my knitting to trim and finish sweaters and they look so much better for it :-) Thank you!
19/6/2013 04:12:44 am
Hola he visto los tutoriales de youtube y la página, muy buenos aportes, me encantan las flores y la mariposa, pero quise bajar la explicación de la página y no pude, hay una falla en el archvo PDF.
naz islam
7/7/2013 12:36:09 am
Congratulations . I love your tutorial.......
judy mccusker
7/7/2013 11:42:40 pm
i need video instructions to learn to crochet pineapple stitch. your new site is awesome. we are so lucky to have you
Sandy Ghorbani
14/7/2013 04:01:05 pm
Hi, I absolutely love your videos. I am 73 yrs. old and started to teach myself to crochet and found I do quite well, thank you very much, lol, and someone told me to check out utube and in the process I found your videos. I am a wiz now, lol. and all because of you and your videos. You are the best teacher of ALL of the others, really!!
Genia Mitchell
17/7/2013 09:18:38 am
I love watching your videos on YouTube. Im trying to find a crochet pattern. I'm wanting to crochet a stuffed football for my son. Can you help me. Thank you
27/7/2013 04:29:15 pm
Thanks a million, you have taught me so much! Thanks to you no one in my family will ever be short of hats and I can now read a pattern. Keep up the good work I will be following closely. Thanks again.
24/3/2014 07:28:36 pm
I love your tutorials and your website. It is the most professional and delightful I have seen. I have only about 9,000 subscribers to my tutorial videos. I was wondering if you could give me some advice? (I am not competition to you, as I have mostly only baby dresses) I have many people contacting me through YouTube email, wanting me to let them advertise on my videos. Is this a scam? Should I just continue to let YouTube handle the advertising? Anything you could share with me would be greatly appreciated. I will continue to be a loyal subscriber and clicking on your ads. Thank you for your awesomeness!
29/4/2014 01:59:51 am
Hello Clare. That's a lovely name, by the way. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on crochet with beading? Like a wristband or something easy.
5/5/2014 06:13:09 pm
do you have a tutorial for a baby size flat cap? or have advice as to how i alter the pattern to fit a 3-6month baby?
23/5/2014 01:38:08 pm
Hey Clare,
8/7/2014 02:09:26 am
Love your videos. I refer people to your site all the time.
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About Me:Hi! My name is Clare and I am the voice behind Crochet with Clare YouTube channel, a place where you can learn to crochet. I love teaching crochet and even after 12 years, I still can't believe I get to do this every day! I have met many wonderful people through crochet, many of which have become great friends. I hope your crochet journey is as enjoyable as mine. Kinga from myhobbyiscrochet.com has fabulous free patterns on her blog
January 2025